Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Desmond Oconnor

Universal House of Prayer

  • Many years ago, God spoke to my heart saying, "My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge. How are they to know unless the Word of God is preached, and how are they to hear unless a preacher is sent? Go and prepare thyself to minister to the people, and then you may teach My people how to receive from me."

    The goal of this ministry is to bring believers of all denominations to a deeper understanding of the love relationship that we have with God in and through Jesus Christ and the dynamics of that love experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in the believer and the love of God is poured out in our hearts. This Bible based ministry of prayer and teaching leads people to discover who they are in Christ and to experience the love of God restoring them to wholeness of spirit, mind, emotions and body.

    The vision is here. It is now. It is for you to take hold of, cling to, and to never lose sight of. For only in holding on to the vision God has for us, His people, can we freely give as He gave, do as He did, and go as He commissions us, to be His ambassadors of light in a dark and hurting world.