Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Michael Mideaker

The Beginning of me

  •  When friends and family get together most people talk about the personal things in life but usually stay away from the subjects that could cause debate. We know that in any debate we could push people away especially if our views are not the same as the other. If we aren't excepting of other views and just push our views some will shy away and see you as close minded. Religion is one of those many topics. Personally its time I came out of the closet, so to speak, and express my beliefs or at least talk about my new chapter on life.



         Over many years I have fought inside myself about what I believe in or not. I was brought up a Catholic by my parents and for the first 18 years of my life I went to Roman Catholic Church. My father whom actually at one time went tothe cemenary to become a Jesuit and my mother whom was a protestant turned Catholic, thought it would be best for me. When I was young it became a place to fall asleep. When I was older I wanted to sleep but was to old to do so. Every Sunday I hated going to mass because I was bored and it cut into my weekend. I didn't really care to understand anything at that point and I wasn't mature enough to do so. I received the sacrements of Communion and Confirmation and I went to a Catholic Grammer School and did what my parents wanted even though I could care less. When I finally became a man at the age of 18, I told my mother that I won't be going to church anymore because I didn't like it. The priests that I was around during that time were actually very good, well at least some of them were but it didn't matter to me. I felt forced to go and that i still believe that is the wrong way to handle things at least with me. I'm not saying my parents are bad for trying to bring God into my life, I just wasn't ready at the time I guess.



    Over the years as I grew mature and thought about many ideals and subjects in my life, God still came up. However, I was conflicted. Did I believe in God because I was force fed the information during my growing years? Well I definitely still talked to God at times when I needed advise or I wasn't feeling well or when I wanted God to help somebody I cared about. I questioned myself many times but always lived in a good way. I believed at least that if I was a good person and helped people either way with God or not, that would be a good way to live. I didn't follow or believe in every rule set by the Roman Catholic Church but I did what I thought was right. I got married, divorced, and married again. I lived my life as most people do. From time to time I would research my beliefs in God and see what other religions are out there. I wasn't happy with the politics of the Catholic church so I knew I would need to find a new home. In my quest to believe or not in God I realized that I was forming my own ideas on God and his teachings. I started to think that I wouldn't be able to find an exact church that would fit my beliefs and I should start my own. I love people and I have been helping them with problems for over 25 years. I'm not a psychologist but I have helped many with questions on life, relationships and stuff like that because I have an uncanny knack to see the other side of the issue. Some people get annoyed by this because I can understand your side of things and also see the sides of others which makes people think you aren't on their side. In any case its a passion of mine to talk with people and help them see all sides of a story for better understanding so they can be happier in thier lives. God and my philosophies, that I believe God would understand, has now come together.



          I always have known and heard about that I could become a Minister online with a real church under my beliefs. I have thought about doing this for at least 15 years of my life. I have finally been inspired and become one. I don't take this lightly and I feel now I'm ready and mature enough to follow my path with God. I am a legally ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. This church excepts all religions and beliefs from Roman Catholic to Paganism. It believes that we are all children under the same universe. Which means we can believe in what we feel is right and coexist with others with different beliefs and accept each other as equals in the same purpose to make the world a better place. No competition on which religion is best and what you should believe. I believe that God is part of everything. He is loving and transcends our pety thoughts. He understands what he has created and has given the gift of free will to those who can conceive it. There is no right or wrong way to be spiritual but all encompasses his Grace. I could go on and on but this is just the beginning of my new chapter in spirituality. As I grow inside my new church and become more active in my community through performing weddings and other types of ceremonies and acts of good will, I know that God is with me as He is with everybody. I want to bring God into the lives of those who need him and want him. I want to show people that you can be with God under no exact rules but doing what is right. I will never force anybody to believe in something they don't feel right about but be there for them in whatever way I can to help them find peace in thier lives. I am here for all those who may read this. Sexual orientation does not matter we are all God's children. You don't even have to believe in God but I will be there for all that needs guidance. This is what I believe and this is what I will do. All you have to do is open your mind and let the love through.