Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC

Deist Beliefs

  • Here is some more of what I believe:

    I, along with several of America's founding fathers and others before me dating back to Socrates and beyond, have been called 'godless' by a great many throughout the years but that isn't the truth - far from it. (Please note that I have as yet to come across this reaction here at the ULC, thus do I add more to what I and a lot of other Deists believe.)
    I don't believe in most organized religion nor do I believe in 'original sin'. We believe that the idea of original sin is a man-made concept to control the masses. Sin is when we fail to treat one another with respect and loving-kindness.
    I see evidence of intelligent design (aka God or the Almighty) and inspiration in the natural world and in natural laws of the universe. I prefer rational thought and logic to 'revealed' religion any day.
    I see most holy books as being written and changed by men over a long period of time; we can get inspiration from them but they will never be the 100% truth due to the human element and they are not divinely inspired.

    If by following a 'revealed' religion you treat people better then hey, I'm all for it - just don't try to convert me.
    I hope this gives you a little more insight into my beliefs.

    God Grant Us Peace -

    Rev. K Hyler DD OCC