Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC

Foundation of Sand or Stone?

  • This blog is about my journey and what I have discovered about building something from the ground up, whether it's a home or a ministry. I'll use building a house as an analogy.

    All things begin with a foundation and a plan. More than one holy teacher has taught to build your 'house' on stone, not sand. In my case, the foundation is a solid faith in the greater good and a belief in "Ich bin ein Theil des Theil, der Anfangs alles war" (I am a part of a part, which is a part of everything.) In other words, I believe firmly in a bigger picture. The plan is a dream, a sacred calling. It came down to me from the Creator, from ancestral Medicine men and women, from all who tread the path less traveled before me. That plan is made up of desires, dreams, the will of the fates and my own freewill choices.

    Once the plans are accepted you buy the land - aka you commit to the dream. You take a deep breath and into the water you go.

    Then comes the framework, the cornerstone of your beliefs that will hold up your house and help you weather the storm. In my case the cornerstone is my Deist and Transcendental beliefs as well as a sound faith in an Almighty. Your cornerstone may be entirely different. Some have Christ as their cornerstone, others Buddah.

    The up come the walls, the wiring, the plumbing, the drywalls, the roof, the floors. The more quality you decide on the better your dream will be. Each detail comes from what you bring to your endeavor and what you want from it. You will find as I have that you end up remodeling that structure many times as you grow and learn on your path, but beneath you will always be the rock solid foundation and the cornerstones of your dream.

    My dream was simple - to be a mystic Traveler, a watcher and observer, a bringer of comfort and compassion as I pass through this life. I never desired a brick-and-mortar building; that wasn't my calling. I chose my sacred name and I took on the mantle of a Chaplain.

    Peace be with you - Build on stone, not on sand - no matter what you are building.

    Grace upon us all,

    Rev. Kerena Hyler DD