Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC

Doing More By Doing Less

  • As the wise ones say, Learning to Live is Learning to Let Go.


    We fufill so many roles every day and some folks do even more than I do. I am an employee, a chaplain, a friend, a daughter/sister, an associate, a confidante. I do volunteer work for a couple of civic orders, I write, I try to draw, I tend to my home and my little tabletop garden.


    I was thinking recently just why I'm tired and worn and I remembered the thought that we're the ones giving ourselves too much to do. God is mindful of our energy and God replenishes us; we're the ones running ourselves ragged, jumping to conclusions, judging and putting more into our day than we need to when we should be simplifying things.


    To that end I have decided that I won't be in any more groups on the ULC Monastery site. I'm here as a fellow friend and a minister and if my name is on your group I don't just want to be another name, I'll be there to participate actively. I've been in enough groups in which 10% of us did 100% of the work.


    Perhaps if we all sat down and looked at our lives more often just to figure out if we are truly doing what means something to us and to our faith, depending on our beliefs, the world would be a simpler and easier place.


    When we free up time from lackluster and useless pursuits and we give it to God/the Universe/a Higher Power I notice that the time we save is blessed and it expands beyond measure; at least that is how it happens with me.


    God Bless and Keep You, Brothers and Sisters.

    In Agape,

    Chaplain K.