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Kerena Hyler DD OCC

Letting Go in Dudesville

  • This is all about letting go; you know what I mean, right? If you don't then let me try and explain.

    There are a lot of times when we need to just simply 'abide', when we detach from stuff that in the scope of the bigger picture is not worth the worry and we sit back with some friends, watch a sunrise, nurse a cup of coffee (or beverage of choice) and just chill.

    It's a fact that life is complicated, and yes - sometimes it bites, to put it nicely. It's all part of the learning experience and being a living being on a very unique planet in a potentially endless universe. We live and learn, and we go on.

    We can go about this by running in circles and worrying ourselves to death, or we can remember the simple truth that, to quote S. Rinpoche, Learning to live is truly learning to let go. I have trouble with this sometimes; most folks do. We become attached to the outcome when we are supposed to be mindful, living in the here and now, paying full attention. But when I detach and I stop attaching judgments to things and I live in flow I find that my life path leads me exactly where I need to be; but this only happens when I watch where I'm going instead of drifting along aimlessly and I pay attention.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't be concerned about what's going on in our lives and in the world around us - far from it. We just need to learn to let go, do what we can, and give it over to a Higher Power. Let go and Let God, as the saying goes. So Let me ask one more time: Are you paying attention?

    Signing off,

    Rev. K Hyler DD, Dudeist Minister


    PS: There is actually an online ministry www.dudeism.com; just ignore some of the language and see it for the spirit in which it was founded if you get curious. You don't have to be a Lebowski fan to appreciate the sentiment, but it helps.