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Kerena Hyler DD OCC

From Simplify to Abide in Four Steps

  • This is some advice that has come to me over the last two decades and the Almighty keeps reminding me of it when I get too wrapped up in something for my own good. I am so grateful that I serve a loving and patient God that doesn't hopefully get too exasperated when I'm given the answers but keep asking anyway.

    It goes without saying that prayer comes first, so I didn't include it in the four steps. When we pray, meditate, contemplate - whatever it takes for us to tap into that peaceful place where we can hear the voice of God, the voice of the Universe - then we are truly being here now, in the moment. Now, for the advice I was given.

    1. SIMPLIFY! What is it, God asked me, that I am holding onto or cluttering my life (both spiritual and physical) with that is keeping me from being here and now? What is keeping me from truly being one on one with my Creator 24/7/365? We all have things we need to get done - bills to pay, people to care for, ministries to seed and tend. But these things should be part of our journey WITH God, not something that keeps us FROM God. Let it go! Do what you need to do and put it in the hands of a Higher Power!

    2. OBSERVE! Look around you - use all of your senses and really be aware of what is going in both within and around you! Use these observations to live more fully and openly, in touch with everything that ever was and ever will be.

    3. BEAR WITNESS! To remind myself of this often difficult task - I'm a very private person around people I don't know and public speaking isn't my schtick - I purchased a very charming little Mr. Bean teddy bear. He reminds me to 'bear witness' - tell others your truth, tell them what you are seeing and observing! Share! Incorporate it into your ministry! Ask for feedback! Speak up and be heard! If you do it enough you eventually get more comfortable with it - especially if you are letting the Almighty speak through you 24/7/365 (yes, THAT again! I cannot stress just how important that connection to God is!).

    4. ABIDE! I'm not just saying this from a Dudeist perspective, though that's what works for me. When we abide in the Creator we become part of the picture, willing participants in our lives. We tie into our bliss (look up Joseph Campbell) and we live life as fully as we can, as reflections of a living breathing planet and a Heavenly Creator in whom all things are not only probable, but POSSIBLE! Take it one moment at a time, one day at a time. Yes, plan for the future - but remember that all you have is right now and the rest is a 'faith' investment.

    Enough of me preaching for now! I'm off to my favorite walking spot to catch some fresh air before it starts to rain again.

    Peace be with you all, brothers and sisters!

    Yours in Agape and in Faith,

    Chaplain K.