Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC


  • In the news today a sick intolerant soul set bombs at the Boston Marathon, succeeding in killing 2 and as of the most recent count injuring 23.  In the mail today to correspond with this foul news I received word that a local Peace organization that has been around for over 20 years has had to close its doors due to lack of funding. 


    It’s enough to make us wake up from our slumber and take a good look around so we can see just how far we’ve come but how much further we have to go.


    What will it take to end this intolerance so we can live in peace, compassion and understanding with each other? It all depends on who you ask.  Some will give you an answer based on their religious beliefs.  Others will mention laws and security issues.  A few I know would tell you that the world is ending and that there’s nothing we can do.


    I don’t buy into any of their answers quite frankly.  There is something we can do and it starts with us right here and now.  It begins with a promise that we make to ourselves wherever we are standing, sitting or laying down right at this moment.  It is a promise that starting with us we will promise and strive to be the very image of compassion and love to the world regardless of who we run into and how angry or frustrated they may make us feel.  It’s easier said than done, I know – but every effort we make can help.


    This is no time for vengeance and hatred, though it is understandable and very human to want these things.  It is however time for righteous anger – anger that leads to positive action and a better life for us and for those around us.  If we are harboring resentment and unforgiveness towards anybody or anything we need to let it go; it is poison to our mind, soul, body and spirit and the world is ill enough from what humankind has done to it.


    Today I vow to make a difference despite myself.  Will you vow to make a difference with me? War is not the answer; let us be the change we wish to see in the world and let us have hope that we can do better.


    In Prayer and In Faith,

    Rev. Kerena M. Hyler


  • +Bro Karl Buchanan, OE
    +Bro Karl Buchanan, OE So there was more actually set up that failed or at least somehow did not get set off. The feds can usually tell by a bomb just about precisely where it came from - I would think even better in one that did not detonate and was intact. That's like leaving your ID!
    April 15, 2013
  • Sojourner Robert Hess
    Sojourner Robert Hess we can hope Karl, we can hope.. it should provide some clues certainly
    April 15, 2013
  • +Bro Karl Buchanan, OE
    +Bro Karl Buchanan, OE I read the blog and I agree - staying calm and being vigilant is much more helpful to everyone than getting hysterical and these things are done for their shock and confusion value. I would not be surprised if they have a pretty good idea of who/why very ...  more
    April 15, 2013
  • Michael de la Om :-)
    Michael de la Om :-) That was Beautiful Sister Kerena. Of course we will join with you in the pledge.
    April 15, 2013