Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kerena Hyler DD OCC


  • I was recently sitting at a neighbor’s house having dinner.  She had the television on; I don’t recall what show she was watching.  I found myself thinking something like this as the seemingly endless ads went on and on:


    Wouldn’t it be something if we could make commercials for virtue as exciting as some of these commercials?


    Just think of it... 

    What if ads were hawking the Golden Rule instead of skin creams and pharmaceuticals? (Imagine loving-kindness as a good side effect.)

    Imagine those perfect looking models making sharing, caring and unselfish love out to be as ‘sexy’ and attractive as their overpriced lingerie and outlandish clothing.

    I can just see kids getting excited about helping others with the same level of enthusiasm they presently show for that toy they just have to have.    

    Envision a commercial for volunteerism with the rock chic appeal of an action packed video game or a technology commercial.

    What if these music celebrities so enjoyed by the masses stood up and spoke up for freedom and tolerance and made it as enthusiastic as one of their often overpriced concerts?


    I realize that I’m an idealist of sorts, but I’m a realistic one all the same.  I know things can change. I have hope for us.  Hey, change can happen and it will happen – one person at a time.


    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

    Rev. K Hyler


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