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The Three Truths

  • The Three Truths


    MEDITATE: Go within your consciousness and slow down your thoughts so as to see the space in between the thoughts. Through the spaces your subconsciousness resides.


    DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT THEM TO DO UNTO YOU: All people (even though we are all one) want Joy, Happiness, and Bliss. Don’t steal or someone will steal from you. Don’t lie or someone will lie to you. Don’t want what others have or someone will want what you have. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Be compassionate towards others and they will be compassionate towards you. Keep in mind that these things will and won’t happen by the same person you where kind or lied to.


    STOP LOOKING AT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING or NOT DOING AND START LOOKING AT WHAT YOU’RE DOING or NOT DOING: When you begin to Meditate, you will start looking at your own Mind. When people see what other people (even though we are all one) are doing and not doing, they tend to judge or criticize in negative ways. When you do that, you end up becoming and doing what your words said and mind thought the other person was doing or not doing. By looking at what you’re doing and not doing, you will be able to see what your causes are and in turn what the effects will be.



     By doing these three things:


    -You will start to control your own mind.


    -You will start to control your actions, words, and thoughts.


    -You will start tapping in to your subconsciousness when you are conscious.


    -You will start being joy and being love.


    -You will start to see the bigger picture.


    -You will start to see the picture bigger than the bigger picture.

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