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Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG

7 universal laws for a boring relationship

    • Jeff Herring and Maritza Parra

    No one sets out to have a boring relationship. Yet many couples wind up in one.

    Here’s a look at how to create a boring relationship:


    The Law of Silence: I once watched a couple, both appearing to be in their early 40s, walk into a sandwich shop, sit down and both of them got lost in their books. The only time I saw them speak was when they ordered their meal. No conversation with each other at all. Now, perhaps they have 27 kids at home and this was their only quiet moment. But you sure got the feeling that whatever was in those books was much more interesting to each of them than the person sitting across the table.


    The Law of Mystery: Convince yourself that you know all there is to know about your partner. Stop asking questions. Since there is no mystery there is no reason to ask questions, right?


    The Law of Same Sex: You would think that a great way to be bored in a relationship is to not have sex for a long time. And you would be right. Another great way to do it (be bored) is to have sex the same way, in the same place every time.


    The Law of Sedentary: Another great way to be bored is to rarely if ever move together. Sit and watch TV or movies all the time. Stare at other screens (computer, phone, etc) separately.


    The Law of Alone: Not alone as in by yourself alone. Alone as in always just the two of you, never doing anything with any other couples. This is also a great way to lose perspective and believe that you are the only couple that ever struggles.


    The Law of “Same Old Same Old”: Go to the same restaurant. Order the same thing. Go to the same place on vacation for life.


    The Law of Settling: If you ever notice that you might be perhaps just a little bit bored, simply chalk it up to “that’s just the way it is.”

    McClatchy-Tribune News Service