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Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG

Just a story of discovery

  • Morocco Job 1977



    Just a story


    So we where lost in the desert, between Rabat and Marrakesh on the inside roads true lots of sandy little trails. The motor was hot and we had to stop. We were pretty tire, and we decided to take a break on the side of the road. I have to say that we were dressed like the local (picture); it proved to have been a right decision. Out of nowhere appeared four men dressed in blue. I had heard of the blue man in my orientation.  So I knew that they where good people, nomad for thousands of years.


    They spoke French (Old Colony) and because of the time of the day, they invited us for dinner. They had prepared a communal meal and we where invited at the feast. My Girl friend had to go in another room with the other woman. So, we where divided; the men where in one area and the woman in another hidden area. So here comes the food served by young mans. Rapidly every one goes to the food; they take the food, roll it in their hand and put it in their mouth, another combination was taking a piece of bread and pick up the food with the bread.. Never use your left hand!


    It seems that every one was fed up pretty fast and there was lot’s of left over. The food, as I learned quickly, was sent to the woman’s section after the men had had enought. So the man where very proud to show me how good they treat their women. OK I got that, so I accepted the cultural difference, after all it was their country and their culture. Now, I had to know about the many wife’s concept, so, I asked; How can you have many wife and why? 


    First, to marry another wife, he as to consult the first one, that is, if he is a nice guy. Secondly, he as to have enough money to feed and take care of the second one (The king has 4 wives). You have to consider also that to divorce, a man as to say three time in front of a witness; I divorce you.


    They were critical of our culture, in the fact that we did not take good care of or mistresses. After all, they marry theirs, so we must be also heartless for the illegitimate children. I reassured them that not every one had a mistress, to hear back; it’s not every one that as two wife. They survived centuries in the desert; they must have done something right those happy blue nomad people.....


    We where all best friend that night, smoking the water pipe, we all agreed among the men that woman can be troublesome and laughed a lot.  In the morning, I was reunited with my girl friend and….oh boy, how many stories she had to tell me. I was relieved to see her; in the desert, a blond girl, white skin, sells well in the northern market. So we finally reached Marrakesh and that is another story…….. 



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