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Rev. Craig Hassan

Secular doesn't mean Democrat

  • Politics and religion do not have to be associated with one another. An individual can have strong religious beliefs and support any political party, or no party at all. Individuals can also have strong religious beliefs or no religious beliefs and still desire separation of religion and government. I find it difficult to believe that any individual could possibly agree with 100% of others ideas in politics or religion. Politics and religion are alike to me in that I don't need named association with either because I have my own ideas and beliefs that don't fit the mold.
  • Rev. Meghan Gurley
    Rev. Meghan Gurley Could not agree more! Look at what's happening in the predominantly black churches. They want to support welfare programs, not to mention a black president; but they are also against gay marriage and abortion. At the Democratic convention, accepting "God"...  more
    October 23, 2012 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Craig Hassan
    Rev. Craig Hassan I agree but also feel there is enough negative about every candidate and campaign that the choice of the voters appears to be the lesser of the evils. I don't believe we as individuals have a choice. Choices made which lead to nominations narrowed the opt...  more
    October 23, 2012 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Meghan Gurley
    Rev. Meghan Gurley Yes. I'm fiscally conservative, but socially liberal - which makes me technically a Libertarian. I would vote for the Libertarian candidate, but there is no way he would win, so my vote would be for naught. I'm choosing who I think is the lesser of evils.
    October 23, 2012 - 1 likes this