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We must let go

  • We must let go

    I’ve spent my life looking at Christianity, the Church, the Bible and Religious doctrine. I’ve found that we have not grasped the concept of the new covenant between GOD and man, we still hold on to the old ways of the Old Testament (Covenant or will) because it makes us feel spiritual that we are the Israelites of the Old Testament.  We cling to rituals, observing special days, doctrines that were meant for Israel and Israel alone, why? Because we want to feel special, we want to feel that we are a special group that GOD love us and no one else, we are the ones who are right and the world is blind and on its way to hell, my friends if we think this way we are wrong mistaken.

    The Old Testament, covenant, will was fulfilled when the new “will” was given to men by Christ, that new will states  “love one another as I have loved you”  love is the fulfillment of the old.

    1. 1.       Under the old “will”, condemnation from law
    2. 2.       In the new, no condemnation in Christ but freedom
    3. 3.       Under the old “will”, acts that led to temporary righteousness
    4. 4.       In the new the eternal gift of righteousness to all
    5. 5.       Under the old “will”, the promise of GOD dwelling with men
    6. 6.       In the new, the pouring out of his spirit on all flesh
    7. 7.       Under the old “will”, the inner temple where only the high priest could go before GOD
    8. 8.       In the new, everyone can boldly go before GOD
    9. 9.       Under the old “will”, the need for the Priesthood
    10. 10.   In the new, the priesthood ended when Israel performed the last right as priest by sacrificing the lamb of GOD, Christ for the sins of Adam and his descendants and HE Christ became the high priest speaking to GOD on our behalf.

    Since we have been given the gift of righteousness, we can now do what ADAM was once forbidden to do, and that was to eat from the tree of life and have eternal life.

    The scripture declare that when we were dead in our sins and trespasses Christ died for us and through his death and resurrection we were made righteous with him.



  • Rev. Nadine Amore likes this
  • Rev. Raymond   Bearhawk
    Rev. Raymond Bearhawk It is a sad thing my friend.
    August 7, 2013 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Will Brown
    Rev. Will Brown Greeting's Gentlemen : The New Testament totally compliments the old & The O.T. compliments the N.T. One does not have to look far through the N.T. to see the O.T. smiling back at them. I could quote N.T. showing judgment & the need for repentance for qui...  more
    August 7, 2013
  • Rev. Will Brown
    Rev. Will Brown Heb 10:26-31 For if we choose to go on sinning after we have learned the full truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but only a terrifying prospect of judgment and a raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who violates the ...  more
    August 7, 2013 - 2 like this
  • Rev. Will Brown
    Rev. Will Brown Mr. Reese : WOW these are Evil Words coming from one who claims to follow The Lord. I have only quoted scripture above & communicated it in a very calm & decent manner here to the one that wrote this blog & ask for others thoughts regarding this scripture...  more
    August 8, 2013 - 2 like this