Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network



  • I’m sitting here in my office reading the many questions that people have been asking in the polls, which are a lot of great questions and many of us have given a lot of great answers. Looking at the many responses that people have been giving I’ve notice a trend and this is where, I think, we all go wrong.

    Our answers are always based on our feelings, or, on what is the accepted scientific and political consciousness of our modern day societal philosophies, or in short, whatever we think it should be.

    The question that I am struggling with is “why don’t we just accept what GOD’s will is and how HE wants things to be?”  We have unconsciously decided that GOD should fit into our molds, what we think and believe and if his method does not match ours way of thinking we simply disregard his will.

    If we are the creation shouldn’t we serve the creator not the other way around? Why is there such a great need to please and not offend anyone? In our desire to achieve this we simply push GOD to the side like a dirty rag doll only to pick him up again at our convenience when we need him.

    When did GOD become our play thing so we could fulfill our desires rather than HIS? Maybe that is why the church, religion and the rest of the world are so messed up. We are serving GOD the way we want to, and not how he wants us to under His new convenient that he has given “love one another as I have loved you”