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Brother Timothy Keeler

Once Upon A Transcendent Realm

  • THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXCERPT FORM THE fORWARD TO THE BOOK "Once Upon A Transcendent Realm" authored by James Martinez, the forward is authored by Jihan Barakah, Founder of The Global Quantum Shift. The publishing of said material here within is by written permission from the author. If you would like to purchase the book, it is available on Amazon. I know Brother James personally and find him to be most enlightening.



    During my first synchronous encounter with James Martinez, as I mindfully listened to him describe inspiring insights about "our body's own energy, and how that spiritual energy allows for interactions between one another, and with other spiritual and supernatural realms," in that instant I knew that I was listeneing to someone who was "echoing" my own experience with "Transcendence".

    I later discovered that both James and I shared a common passion for inquiry that has led us to study quantum physics in relation to "transcendence". James writes in his chapter titled Love in a Sunset---Transcendence, "I'd noted there were certain particles traveling through space and time in an undetectable way, and the way they moved intrigued me. I found out that neutrinos mysteriously travel (mostly) undetected from our stratosphere to reach earth. The truth of the particles' movement inspired me, and I needed to know how they moved, soI began researching the principal of particle physics and discovered that space and time were truly navagational. Although I did not have the specifics of this truth just yet, simply knowing of the truth allowed for one of my greatest observations---"Transcendence".James elaborates further by saying, "As I thought back to the visions and translucent image perceptions of the people, places, and things I'd seen, I knew that if I altered my thoughts and emotions I could change what and who I interacted with within that grand collective area." 

    As I reflect upon my own experience of "transcendence" begining at an early age  before I had the ability to intellectualize and articulate what had just happened, and thereafter, actively during my 30's pursuant to a life---transforming experience, for me, listening to James was yet another confirmation about the validity of the multisensory reality and experiencing states and otherworldly realms of higher consciousness.

    Reading "Once Upon A Transcendent Realm" reminded me of the following poem by Samual Taylor Coleridge, "What If You Slept"---a poem that I invite you to contemplate, if you already haven't.


    What if you slept

       And what if

     In your sleep

     You dreamed

       And what if

    In your dream

         You went to heaven

    And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower

      And what if

          When you woke

         You had that flower in your hand

            Ah, What then?