Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Willis Poland


  • Wand


    The wand is one of the prime magical tools.  It has been used for thousands of years in magicak and religious rites.  It is an instrument of invocation.  Goddess and God may be called upon to watch the ritual with words and an uplifted wand.  The wand is also used to direct engery, to draw magical symbols or a circle on the ground, to point toward danger while perfectly balanced on the Witch's palm or arm, or even stir brew in a cauldron.  The wand represents the element of air to some Wiccans, and is sacred to the God.


    Traditional woods used for the wand, including willow, elder, oak, apple, peach, cherry, and so on.  Some Wiccans cut it the length from crook of the elbow to the tip of the forefinger, but this isn't necessary.  Any fairly straight piece of wood can be used; even dowels purchased from a hardware store work well.