Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Samantha Lynne, Okuden

What a Bumpy Road!

  • Oy Vey!


    Keeping strong through the dark times is tough. Now, let's face it. I know that there's little chance of me officiating anything- weddings, funerals, etc. I'm simply overwhelmed by the process of paper work and screwing up somebody's serious moments in life. I joined the Monastery as a dedication to non-aggression, my own faith, and to have a constant reminder of a higher purpose during and after life. It helps me keep a universal view of my own life.


    I wish I had more time to come on here, but since Thanksgiving:


    -My Grandmother passed away after a month long battle with multiple illnesses and a leg amputation

    -My father is in need of spinal surgery

    -Healing my mother, from her mother's loss

    -Fighting for a new job after losing my other job

    -Dealing with my own illness- Endoscopoy tomorrow, and the having to remove my galbladder

    -My cousin has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer

    -My other cousin is prepping himself for death after leg amputation, as his heart is working at 5%.

    -And of all things, my cat died in my arms last week.


    I'm trying not to lose sight of "the bigger picture" of life. I attended a Full Moon Ceremony honoring Hekate on Monday, it was beautiful and stress free. I'm hoping to keep her in my heart and mind to encourage me to keep moving forward, and not fear surgery.


    Any tips on riding this out, or quick money making ideas so I can pay my bills would be greatly appreciated.


    Blessed Be.

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel I knew you were Pagan, I can see the female spirit with a hood on your right side of the pic! I noticed it first before I read your post...it's a medium thing:) If it helps, she is literally standing right next to you. Don't give up hope.
    February 27, 2013
  • Michael de la Om :-)
    Michael de la Om :-) Samantha, your trials have pulled at my heart. You can be the strong person you were created to be. You have divinity within yourself. Make some time to silence the busy rush of thoughts and emotions that have been filling your life. Concentrate on yo...  more
    March 3, 2013