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Samantha Lynne, Okuden

Druidism in a Nutshell.

  • For those of you looking for a "quick guide" version to Druidry, here's a great start. I stumbled upon this article as I was seeking more information myself. 

    Druidism practices a tolerance of many different philosophical and spiritual traditions and teaches that no one system of thought is truer than any other.  Rather, it depends on the individual and the "path" that he or she has chosen.  Within the Druid movement there are "Bards" who were the ones who kept the oral traditions alive.  They had to learn stories and underwent intensive training for many years.  There were the Ovates who were the healers, and the Druids who were the philosophers and teachers.

    The main elements of druidic belief are...

    1. Sacredness of all life:  A philosophy which deals with the sacredness and divinity of all life in which all life is equal in value. Therefore, humanity is on the same level of importance as plants and animals.
    2. The Otherworld:  A place of existence beyond our physical senses. It is a place we are supposed to go to when we die but can be visited with the help of meditation, altered states of consciousness, visualizations, chanting, hypnosis, and shamanic trances.
    3. Reincarnation:  Ancient Druidic practices taught a type of reincarnation in which the soul went to "The Otherworld" between incarnations, which could be in human or animal forms.  Most modern Druids hold to this as well.
    4. Nature:  It reconnects us with nature, our ancestors, and ourselves, by "working with plants, trees, animals, stones, and ancestral stories."
    5. Healing:  It brings healing using holistic means for both body and spirit.
    6. Journey:  Life is a journey from one stage to another; birth, marriage, children, death, etc.
    7. Potential:  Developing one's potential for the development of our creative, psychic, intellectual, and intuitive abilities.
    8. Magic:  Where ideas are brought into manifestation and divination is used to predict the future.

    Druids do not practice human sacrifice, but they do celebrate eight festivals which are based upon the seasons.  They celebrate summer and winter solstices which are the longest and shortest days of the year respectively.  They celebrate the equinoxes in the fall and spring when the days and nights are equally long.  The other festivals were based on tradition and related to farming such as sending the cattle out to pasture, beginning of the harvest, etc.

    Druidism emphasizes the "spiritual nature of life."

    It most probably originated in Britain around 2000 years ago, but this is not certain since ancient records are few and far between.  It has recently undergone a revival.


    Hope this helps! 

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel I know they are two different religions but what is the difference between a Druid and Wiccan?
    November 19, 2012
  • DudePriest Larry Summers E.Z.
    DudePriest Larry Summers E.Z. Field trip to Stonehenge?
    November 19, 2012
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel yeah!!! :)
    November 19, 2012
  • Samantha Lynne, Okuden
    Samantha Lynne, Okuden I feel that the main difference between Druids and Wiccans are that Wiccans are more likely to accept a God/dess. I've always enjoyed the statement, "I believe in God, I just don't think he was a single parent."

    I think that Druids stress the path of th...  more
    November 19, 2012 - 1 likes this