Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Samantha Lynne, Okuden

A Funeral Refresher

  • For those of you who are new, and seeking guidance in performing a funeral service. Here's a good place to start. It's a simple, non-denominational guide that open to insertions of spirituatlity. :) Eulogy guide included. 

    1. Talk to the family. Call the family and arrange to meet them, preferably in their home. Meeting them in public is OK in a bind, but if that's the arrangement, try not to meet more than two to three people. If a funeral home is taking care of other arrangements, the funeral directors may have space at the funeral home where you could meet. Invite the family to have other family members and close friends present if they wish, but be sensitive to their needs and to the space considerations.
    2. 2
      Discuss plans for the service. When you meet the family, let them know what you have in mind for the service. If they have their own ideas about what they want to see done or not done, make every effort to incorporate those ideas. However, don't leave them with a lot of open-ended questions about decisions that they need to make; you are there to help guide them, not to further complicate the process.
    3. 3
      Take notes. Bring a notebook and be prepared to take many notes about the loved one that has passed away. Get as much information as you can so that you can present a story of the person's life from birth to death. Be sure to obtain the particulars such as birthday, school information, marriage, work history, children and grandchildren, and accomplishments. Pay special attention to the anecdotal memories that the family shares, especially stories that bring smiles. Ask them if there is music or any special readings that they would like to have incorporated into the service. Encourage them not to pick more than two or three songs, since those can be an emotional overload. Also let them know that you are available to read poems or letters that they've written in case they find that they can't share on the day of the service.
    4. 4
      Get family addresses and contact info. Thank the family and make arrangements to send a copy of your eulogy so that they can review it and make sure it is accurate. Obviously, sending a eulogy by e-mail is the easiest way to accomplish this, but delivering it in person or faxing it are other possibilities. Ask them if there's a gathering afterwards that they would like you to announce.
    5. 5
      Write a eulogy, using your notes. Make it positive in tone, but don't be afraid to mention less-than-happy things if they contributed to the person's life. Be sure that you read the eulogy aloud to measure the amount of time that it takes to deliver it and to make sure that you establish your rhythm. Two to three pages of written text should be sufficient.
    6. 6
      Arrive early for the service. On the day of the service, arrive at least half an hour early with the final draft of the eulogy. Be available for any last minute words or arrangements that the family may have, but give them space to grieve. This can be a very trying day for them.
    7. 7
      Conduct the service. You may want to open with one of the pieces of music that they've chosen. Then, welcome the family and open with a word of prayer or remembrance. After the prayer, read the obituary as a way to acknowledge the family members that are included in it. Deliver the eulogy. After the eulogy, invite the friends and family to come forward and share their own thoughts. This is a perfect place to insert a song to give them time to think. If, after about half a minute, no one comes forward, then make some light comment about how difficult it can be to speak at a funeral, and finish by closing the service with prayer.
    8. 8
      Stay afterwards. Make yourself available to the family and friends afterward, but unless you know the family personally, you may want to gracefully excuse yourself shortly after and give them space.

      The Eulogy

    1. Start by realizing the task at hand.

      Writing and delivering a eulogy is truly an honor. It is an opportunity for you to bring the deceased person back into the minds of those in attendance. Your words will paint a picture of the deceased through the memories, anecdotes and stories you tell.

      A eulogy allows the audience to remember the person -- who they were, what they did and what they enjoyed about life.

    2. Recall your own memories.

      Think about the deceased and the relationship you had with them. Where you met (if your not family), things you did together, humorous or touching memories, and what you will miss the most might be things you decide to share.


    3. Gather information about the deceased.

      Talk with family members and close friends to gather important information about the departed. Even co-workers may have valuable things to share. Some important information to include in the eulogy:

      • Persons age/date of birth
      • Family and other close relationships
      • Education/work/career
      • Hobbies or special interests
      • Places the person lived
      • Special accomplishments


    4. Organize.

      You may want to organize your notes and drafts on a computer program, plain paper or note cards. Use whatever method is most comfortable and familiar to you.

      Some people prefer to prepare and deliver a serious eulogy while others will want to keep the tone light. A mix of both elements, solemnity and humor, is usually best. It allows the audience to grieve appropriately but to also share in the celebration of a life well-lived.

      Create an outline of your speech and fill in the information you gathered about the person.

      Keep in mind how much time you will have to deliver your eulogy. It's best to err on the short side, especially if several people will be speaking.

    5. Write!

      Write your speech in your own voice. That means to write it in the same way you would normally talk. Don't get bogged down by the formalities of writing. Your audience will want to feel like you are talking to them, not reading from a script.

      Keep in mind the most important thing: write from your heart.


    6. Review and revise.

      The first draft you write is usually not the last. Read through it and decide what to keep and what to toss out. You may want to read it to family or friends to get their feedback or read it into a recording device so you can listen to it yourself.

      When you think you are done, let it sit overnight. Review it again the next day when it will be fresh again. Make any necessary revisions.


    7. Rehearse.

      Practice reading the eulogy several times to become familiar with it. You don't have to memorize it unless you really want to. You will want to know it well enough that you won't have to read it word for word but it is a good idea to have a written copy, or at least notes, that you can refer to.


    8. Finalize a copy.

      As mentioned before, it is a good idea to have a copy of the speech printed out for reference. Again, use the method most comfortable to you whether it is a computer program, note cards or plain paper.

      A couple of useful tips: Print in large text so it's easy to refer to and number the pages so you don't get them mixed up.


    9. Deliver!

      Even if you are comfortable speaking to large groups of people, a eulogy can be a difficult speech to deliver. Try to remember that you are doing this to honor the memory of a loved one, not gain the approval of the audience.

      Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and picture the deceased in your mind, then begin. Try to speak slowly and breathe throughout. It's easy to hold your breath when your nervous. If you need to pause and take a deep breath, do it.

      Remember that just as you wrote from the heart, deliver from the heart.



    1. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
    2. Have a glass or bottle of water handy, as well as a handkerchief or tissues.

      Hope this helps!