Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Paula LaRue

Sonora Rain Smudge Bundles

  • Sonora Rain Smudge Bundles

    For burning in ritual or just hanging on the wall. Another way to experience the scent of Desert Rain is to place this bundle in the Shower -- a bit of steam will also release these lovely scents!

    Creosote Bush Leaves ~ Chaparral Leaf - Arizona Native Americans, including the Tohono O'odam, burn creosote leaves as an incense for ceremony. Folk medicine practitioners have used creosote for centuries as a salve or ointment (antiseptic and pain reliever).

    White Sage ~ Sacred Sage - Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evils spirits and negative energies. White Sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, banish spirits, encourage protection.

    ~ Chaparral Leaves, Stems, Buds and Flowers (Larrea tridentata)
    ~ White Sage (Salvia apiana


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