Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Archbp Leonardo Marin Saavedra

The Latin-American Anglican Church



    We welcome you to the home page of The Latin-American Anglican Church. Our church is led by our presiding Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra of Canada. In this website you will find information about the church and it's mission. In addition there is information about church planting and Holy Orders. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. May God richly bless you. We are Apostolic Anglican Catholic Christians with valid apostolic succession. We are an outgrowth of the ancient "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic" Church. Along with all Catholic Christians, we ARE the Church . Our clergy are validly ordained deacons,, priests, and bishops in the Apostolic Succession, and are recognized as such. We are fully Anglican and fully Catholic, fully Apostolic and we pray for and look forward to the time when once more the unity Jesus prayed in John 17: 21. Will come to exist among all believers in him. We await patiently for that unity (without uniformity) enjoyed by the early Church in Apostolic times. Our churches practice unconditional love and services towards all as practiced by Our Lord Jesus. Come visit our church and experience the Mass from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (English and Spanish) with rich Christian faith, a dedication to follow Jesus in all things, a love of the Eucharist as the central point of our Christian Life, a commitment to serve the lost and the outcast, and that unique spirituality we call "Catholic." 

    The Latin-American Anglican Church