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HPs. Cherry Dunagan

Holidays Year End

  • Here it is, The Holidays of 2013. Year of the Snake is almost over, and I find myself looking back at it. Do you find yourself doing this also at the end of a year?  How about all the people born the Year of the Snake, did you think this was your too? Did this year work the way it was supose to for you? So far me it hasn't. Since it's almost over I don't forsee my luck changing now.

    The holidays are to be a joyious time with family and friends. The rich get a chance to feel better about themselve by doing a tax deductible charity event for the poor. Homeless and poor get treated better for awhile,but just how joyious is the holidays? People fighting over the lastist toy,choice food for the party they plan to host.

    I think its time for us all to get back to human basics. be REALLY thankful for what you have and have lost this year.

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