Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Dr. El March

Spiritual Awareness

  • We vary in our spiritual awareness.   The more advanced ones are able to recognize the hidden truth of life. This helps their life organization and levels of compassion towards others. The growth of our consciousness is very much based on the expanding of our awareness. However, many of us are still holding on to limited awareness; one for the reason that we find change painful and second it is easier to be a victim than to be responsible.


    We look into the ancient explanations as well as the modern presentations of awareness from a spiritual point of view. The idea is to develop our understanding of how consciousness functions so that we can look at life through a wide-angle lens. Doing this would take us away from the disposition of falling prey to ego-driven activities like personal rescue.


    Dualism is the state of awareness where ‘I’ is thought of as separate from everything and everyone else. So, there is the “I here, God there” attitude. This division brings about the experiencer and the experienced, the achiever and the achieved.  Suffering in the form of grief, fear, anger and the like becomes unavoidable in such state of existence. 

    The Competent Non-dualist is in an intermediate state between Dualism and Non-dualism. This symbolizes a more evolved state than the dualistic awareness we talked about. The practicality of Non-dualism is recognized in this as the final truth but the awareness is still not adequately advanced to “be” in that state.


    Non-dualistic awareness is the state where the individual consciousness merges with the universal consciousness and so the expansion reaches its conclusion. The false impression of being a separate entity is completely washed away forever. That is the state of enlightenment attributed to Jesus and those who walk on his path. When Jesus Christ said, “I and my Father in Heaven are one”, the suggestion was that of Non-dualism in the definitive awareness.


    Those who go through a near death experience usually express the state of mind that matches with the explanation of the competent non-dualist. That is, they feel they are one with Divinity but, at the same time, have a sense of being separate. There comes the grasp of “ego” and why it is built-in.


    The understanding of the advancement of awareness in human beings allows us to treat people and all else around us with respect because all are growing and taking part in the vast organization of things. There is the sensing of the fact that we are all co-creators on the journey towards being Divine. We allow those who are ahead of us to offer help, and help those who are behind us. No one and nothing is judged. The deeper our awareness, the more understanding we become towards our fellow-beings. We understand our spiritual responsibilities and carry them out.






    In Love & Light,
