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James Ross

What does it mean to have a relationship with God

  • Dear God,

    I wanted to write a letter to you because I know that you are dissapointed in me, but I wanted to let you know that I am doing everything in my power to seek your approval. I am not perfect, and I know I will never be 100% on top of things, sometimes I want to scream at you for all the things I hate about my own life and other times, I just want you to give me a hug and tell me its going to be ok. I will always seek your approval and it will never be easy to listen. I just wanted to let you know that my actions speak louder then words so this letter, although sincere will probably fall on deaf ears if I do not show you that I truely want to make myself better, and believe in you to help me when I fall. I do not want to ask for that new car, but I will still ask knowing you might be dissapointed in what I am asking for, or maybe I will smile because I have a new girlfriend, and seek your approval only to find she isn't the one for me...Even If I am mad at you and think that I am doing everything I can, I know I can do better, so please don't give up on me...I know I am sometimes selffish, so I wanted to ask you never to give up on my friend Brett, he doesn't know you like I do, even though I am working on getting to know you myself, but he could really use your guidance just like me, so please help him in his journey that you set him out on, and please make sure to pick him up, just as you do me when I'm in need, thank you God, In Jesus name.

    Your Pal,

    James R Ross


    I wrote this letter because its what I believe a relationship should be with God. I am not a fan of formal prayer although there is a time and place for everything. I was talking to a friend of mine who really despises formal religion and his question was about prayer, and I hope that I was speaking through the holy ghost, which I always look for guidance but he asked if it was right to pray as most do, asking for a new car, or a girlfriend, maybe a new house, or a winning lottery ticket, and I told him to think of his mom, who is really the most influencial person in his life, and think of the relationship he has with her. She Loves him with all of her heart, and yes, she can be dissapointed, and yes, she can get frustrated but she will always look after him and be there no matter what stage he is in life. He then asked what it meant to go to hell, I told him the pain is really similar to if his own mom said she would dis own him and walk away from him in his own life never to see him much less help him in any way, then take all of the feelings he might have and multipy that by the amount of stars in the universe. It can be harsh. But he is looking out for us, and Jesus is our proof.


    I only hope that my words ring true and my imagry really effects what he see's in God and Jesus. I know my religion is not the only religion, but he doesn't have a religious belief, only a number of ideas, some that come from doubt, other thoughts come from the ignorance of others, and some ring true, but I hope he can gain a little more insight into what I believe and why I am so strong in my own faith, so that he might find his faith and be just as strong or stronger.


  • James Ross
    James Ross disappointment, a mortal word indeed,...however still appropriate for the feeling you as a person get when you know you are doing wrong. Although the prayer is a reflection of my own thought's as it should be, it is only with the knowledge of the need to...  more
    March 16, 2014
  • James Ross
    James Ross One of God's greatest mysteries
    March 16, 2014