Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Brother John Miller

Discovering Our Natural Spirit

  • Everyone has a special connection with the creator.  We are born with it.  But as we grow in age, the life experiences we accumulate produce blocks to our natural connection, our inherent connection with our spirit.  We become accustom to the physical world, and lose our instinctive understanding of the metaphysical world.  Like a lion who has become a pet must be reattuned to the jungle or savana, we must be reintroduced to our natural selves.  This takes place when we follow our life experience back to the start, and discover how certain events in our lives have built walls, or blocks, that stand in the way of the spiritual person we were born to be.  By removing these blocks, and rediscovering our personnel spiritual being, we can reconnect with the creator in a very fullfilling and unique way.