Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Brother John Miller

Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer and meditation.  These two disciplines are key to achieving the celerity we need to reach the level of spirituallity that was inherently bestowed us.  Prayer is the direct gateway by which we can access the positive power we all seek.  This power flowes freely throughout the universe, thru all things.  With prayer we are able to access this positive energy in a way that is unique and inherent to all of us.  No matter what form of religion or spiritual belief we practice, we can reach out with prayer to this direct form of positive energy and use it within our lives, and the lives of others.  Through the practice of prayer it is possible to achieve great things.

    Meditation is used to achieve the celerity of mind that makes it possable to remove the blocks that prohibit you from reaching your full spirituality.  Meditation permits us to unclutter thoughts from our subconscious mind, and focus on the present.  By achieving a state of true meditation, we permit our true spritual self to reach out and make contact with us.  In some disciplines this is called achieving a state of grace.  In this state, we come as close to the creator that is possible in our physical existence permits.  This state is possible and can be achieved by all of us.  Next, we will look at fear and how we are stoped dead in our tracks by it.