Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Minister Cliff Gonzalez

sharing my thoughts

  • I have never written a blog not here or anywhere else, but I felt this was the right place to share my point of view. (You never know this could be the beginning of something new for me) I believe in what I post or share through bible verses, pictures etc. My interpretation is the base of my belief, my faith. I will explain it to whomever doesn't understand. If I am questioned about something I post, it is never taken as an insult or challenge. Many people do not have knowledge about my faith as I do not have knowledge of many faiths. Keeping this in mind when we post something will avoid a lot of misinterpreted questions or comments. When we post something we should have knowledge of what we are posting and feel comfortable giving an explanation to empower someone with this knowledge and the understanding of what we believe in especially if we choose to be called reverends, ministers, prophets, archbishops etc. Isn't that what all these names mean? I feel we should be welcoming the questions not ignoring them or being bothered by them. I am expressing my thoughts based on different occasions I have seen or been part of here in OUR site. Peace be with every single one of you, from your brother in Christ.
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu likes this
  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, Any question can be answered in any manner, however if the conversation is to continue and gain in depth there needs to be an element of mutual respect for the content. Respect is not generally necessary between the participants.
    April 21, 2015
  • Minister Cliff Gonzalez
    Minister Cliff Gonzalez I have been told (on this site) to screw off because I am Christian and all Christians feel the same about LGBT people. That individual does not know me but felt they had a right to act that way because of my beliefs. that was their ignorance, sad experie...  more
    April 21, 2015
  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, I understand where you are coming from Cliff..
    April 21, 2015
  • Minister Cliff Gonzalez
    Minister Cliff Gonzalez Received unexpected company.
    @ Cindy it's incredible how religions are alike in so many ways. And the only way we learn this is as you mentioned earlier through discussion. I also enjoy learning from them.
    @ Taz it is what it is. That is their issue ...  more
    April 21, 2015 - 1 likes this