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Tony Villari

The Confusing Path to Salvation

  • Religion and spirituality is a matter of deep personal choice.  Can you choose poorly?  Well, did the victims of Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple choose poorly?  I think so; after all, they died and Jones shot himself in the head like the true coward he turned out to be.  But, choosing poorly is not necessarily the end all to salvation.  The congregation of the Peoples Temple didn't lack faith in God; they were simply showing extremely weak personalities and poor judgment to follow an insane, suicidal, sociopath.  I'm fairly certain most of them found the salvation Jones promised.  I'm equally certain, if there is truly divine justice, Jones is roasting in hell for his wanton slaughter of innocence.  Why would I possibly think these 909 men, women, and children found salvation?  To read this rest of my post please follow this link to "The Path": The Confusing Path to Salvation