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Tony Villari

The Bible? Uhh... Bonjour!

  • Have you seen this commercial for State Farm Insurance?   You Can't Lie on the Internet is one of those commercials that is so memorable as a cliché, you can't remember what product it was selling.  Because of it, Bonjour has become the new retort to anyone that says something evidencing their gullibility, in particular when it has to do with information found on the internet. 

    The Holy Bible has been getting a lot of bad press of late with all the reports of historical inaccuracies, contradictions, multiple and bad interpretations, and the like.  Most recently the Old Testament has come under fire by religious scholars for being a fabricated history of the Jewish people.  It has gotten bad enough that when Christians throw the bible up as proof of faith you can almost hear the crowd cry in unison, "Bonjour!" 

    To read the rest of the Sunday Thought for June 7, and I sincerely hope you will, please follow this link: http://congregationforreligioustolerance.blogspot.com/2015/06/my-sunday-thought-for-june-7-2015-bible.html

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