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Tony Villari

Can Muslims Convert?

  • Few religions can tout perfection.  Few are without lapses in moral judgment.  However, I think we would be better served to stop finding reasons to divide and conquer and start finding reason to live and let live.  Why would a philosophy wish to convert?  The first reason I can think of is they think their philosophy is better than another.  Ego?  Pride?  Perhaps, but aren't these attributes frowned on by Islam and Christianity?

    To read the rest of this post, and I sincerely hope you will, please follow the attached link to "The Path": Can Muslims Convert?

1 comment
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG People do not convert, they alter their path. Religion is a cultural reality, for many, this is the only identity they got, to belong....Faith, hoewever is another thing. Religion is to man, what faith is to God, they are two different path,..... sometime...  more
    June 9, 2015 - 2 like this