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Tony Villari

Freedom of Choice

  • A person's destiny lies somewhere up ahead, but their ultimate fate is in the hands of God.  As the Brazilian novelist, Paulo Coelho, states it, "I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed."

    To read more of this post, please follow this link to my blog, "The Path":  Freedom of Choice

1 comment
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG In the perspective of things, we are the results of a multiple comutations of events. We ride on a rock travelling in space around a star, parts of billions of other stars. Of course our compassionate actions could save the planet from ourselves or destro...  more
    July 17, 2015 - 1 likes this