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Tony Villari

Missing the Message

  • If you have a trusted friend with a doctorate in aeronautics, yet has never flown a plane, would you let him fly your family?  All the higher education in the world is no substitute for the lowly "school of hard knocks."  There is nothing like the voice of experience, especially when it comes to one's soul, and who better to relate to your experiences than... you?   I feel your pain. No, you don't.  It is my pain.  I've been where you are.  No, you haven't, because if you have, why in God's name would I be listening to your dumb ass?  There are only two that can truly state understanding; one is you, although you may have to work on acknowledging it.  The other is God almighty.  Everyone else is just too busy flapping their lips to see they've stepped right in front of the speeding ego bus.  They missed the message.

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  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel lol, Unless they have many,many,many hours of flight experience, there is no way in hell he would fly my family anywhere! I used to work for Juvenile corrections and we had a new CO. Fresh out of collage and had a master's in psychology, and thought he co...  more
    August 9, 2015 - 2 like this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel But yeah, your right, noone really knows where you are or where your going to because even if empathy is in play, it is still a different feeling, a different place you are out, one only you are at and can go to. Which, I should shut up myself because I c...  more
    August 9, 2015 - 2 like this