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Tony Villari

Why a Church?

  • I find it interesting that Matthew 6:5-6 reflects my own opinion on the subject, and yet the Church spent the next two thousand years denying his words for the benefit of their own coffers, and control of the flock. Pass the basket and tithe till it hurts! Talk about hypocrisy. But, then, who am I to judge those that would sit in judgment of Matthew while using God as their excuse to judge, forgetting all the while that Matthew also stated, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get."  Scripture mentions church many times, yet I am hard pressed to see where prayer is a primary motive for having one, much less assigning a priest to run roughshod over it, or the flock.  But, then again, maybe I'm wrong.

    To read the rest of this post, please follow this link to "The Path": Why a Church?

1 comment
  • Lloyd Hargrove
    Lloyd Hargrove They need to keep good records because there is the all important tax deduction to consider. File under "how government controls religion".
    October 16, 2015