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Tony Villari

Persuading to Believe?

  • Science will never be able to disprove the existence of God as long as all the proof they continue to accumulate strengthens the belief that there is, in fact, a supreme power at work in the universe.  What name science gives this power is of little consequence to the true person of faith who will simply smile and say, "Yes, you are correct.  This is a power we, of faith, call God."  I disagree with Dr. Jeff Zweerink when he states "credibility is one of the most useful tools a Christian has in trying to persuade those skeptical of the Christian faith."  I disagree with it for only one reason; it presupposes people of faith should be trying to persuade skeptics.  You cannot persuade a skeptic that does not want to believe, any more than you can save the poor from their poverty if they don't want to work.  There will always be poor and skeptics among us.  Persuasion has a nasty tendency to morph into demanding or involuntary compliance, which is evidenced throughout history and is currently playing out in radical Islamic sociopathic philosophy.

    If I have persuaded you to read the rest of this post, please follow this link to, “The Path”: Persuading to Believe?