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Tony Villari

A Rambling on Consideration of Dis-Appearance

  • The building is yellow with white trim, fairly narrow, with six floors of apartments on top of a ground floor bakery.  Color, shape, size, and function; we look at a building, at architecture, and we make a judgment, from a distance, as to whether we like it or not.  Would we purchase it?  Oh, hell no.  We don't know the integrity of the foundation, or what's under the paint - plaster, cement, wood or brick?  Does the attic have leaks?  What about the plumbing?  What are the maintenance costs like?  For all we know, with an opened mind, the larger building might just be the better deal.  But we'll look at the building, from afar, and, well... do we really consider the possibilities?  Do we step up to the doorstep and find out more information so we can make an informed, intelligent opinion?  No, probably not.  Sometimes we get lucky, but they don't invest good money building casinos because people are lucky. 

    To give this post the appearance of your consideration, or if you’d just like to read more, please follow this link to my blog, “The Path”:  A Rambling on Consideration of Dis-Appearance