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Tony Villari

Faith Without Ego

  • What the Vatican, and other world religious leaders, seem to always forget in the fog of pride and ego, their zeal to keep the masses bowing down to kiss the pope's Piscatory Ring, is a faith that goes beyond their petty desires and agenda. It is a faith which transcends religious denominations, is touched on by scripture, and is the easiest concept many of us will not ever understand.  By the way, just as an aside, that ring is 35 grams of pure gold which took eight artisans working 15 hours a day for two weeks to make. They say that it's an expensive piece of jewelry that can't be measured in money. I say that if, for purchasing one $13 Stella Artois, "Buy a Lady a Drink" chalice, Stella Artois will donate 5 years of clean drinking water to a woman in the developing world, this Piscatory ring is money poorly spent and an affront to any loving God. But, that's just me.  I guess it's all about what your pride and ego will allow you to give up... to attain salvation.

     Let your ego go, for a moment, and have a bit of faith that the rest of this post is worth a read by following this link to "The Path":  Faith Without Ego

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