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Tony Villari

Even a Worm Will Turn

  • When you're quirky and the smallest kid, your classmates can be the things of nightmares.  They are the bullies, the girls who won't talk to you and the multitude of others who ignore you.  You're not the last to be picked for sports; you're never picked for sports.  Your nemesis is the persona of a coach who schemes to keep you off his football team, and not because you aren't the fastest or most agile, and certainly because you can't take a beating.  It isn't that you aren't a winner, and it isn't that you aren't faster than the bullies who would beat you up; it’s just that you're never given a chance to show your potential or have your potential groomed.  Crying alone becomes a skill set at which you are very efficient.  You see your classmates as the bane of your existence and, for some kids, a reason not to live.


    To read more about the turning worm, please follow the attached link to:  Even a Worm Will Turn


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