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Tony Villari

At the Cusp of Forever: "The Simplicity of Everything"

  • So, there I was, once again, meditating on the atomic structure of belly-button lint as I stood, toe to edge, at the Cusp of Forever.  I was also considering the latest group I'd addressed in the local hospital at which I’m the lead chaplain.  The topic for that particular morning was how really simple "everything" is.  I touted the simplicity of life and explained how our poor choices, driven by ignorance, ego, and greed, can often time result in sad consequences for which we feel there is no escape.  This senseless feeling of helplessness can make us feel trapped in a life we define as crap when all we have to do is make a better choice.


    To read more of my thoughts from the abyss at the Cusp of Forever, please follow the attached link:  At the Cusp of Forever: "The Simplicity of Everything"