Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Moral Compass

  • My faith does not limit itself to a box defined by religious "precepts and ideas." My faith is defined by the only constant in the universe - change. As I grow and learn, I redefine the borders of my faith. At times I even question my faith as a way of learning more about it and strengthening my resolve in this life. We must always question that which we don't understand and not allow others to define our life and beliefs. What we believe is personal and peculiar to each of us. One person's faith should not be another's any more than one person's path can be walked by another; similar, yes, but not exactly the same. A person's beliefs or faith, especially spiritual faith, cannot be dictated by a church or other governing body. What, who, and why we are is dictated by the choices we make, and those choices are driven by our individual faith in something greater than ourselves. We can choose to set off toward an unknown horizon or we can sail in circles for eternity. The choice is always ours.  This circus and this monkey are ours to embrace. 


    Are you thinking about your own moral compass?  Well, consider the rest of this post by following the attached:  Moral Compass



1 comment
  • Minister Cliff Gonzalez
    Minister Cliff Gonzalez This is great Tony. This is why this site has a great concept.  Many different beliefs in one forum should make for greater understanding to each others beliefs. Unfortunately our actions are to get offended not answer the question(s), get defensive,...  more
    September 22, 2018 - 2 like this