Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

Sentence of the Court

  • This is going to be another one of those posts concerning abortion for which I constantly incur the wrath of people who look for any reason to always be offended at every little thing, hence the name I have given them - the League of the Perpetually Offended. I preface this article with my lifelong belief that men have no point of reference for what women go through; it is their body and only they, women as a whole, can make decisions concerning it. Men need to stay the hell out of it unless it enters the realm concerning the sanctity of life and the morality involved with ending it. This is an area in which we men, especially for most of us who have served in the military or as first responders, do have a point of reference: Life is precious.

    To read the rest of this post, please try to keep an open mind as you follow the attached link. Everybody has an opinion and, as always, I welcome all cogent and "constructive" comments on the subject:  Sentence of the Court