Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony Villari

No Religion?

  • No religion?  Not necessarily a bad thing, but let's make sure we all agree on just what religion is.  Religion is defined as a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes beliefs, and practices; a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with scrupulous conformity, ardor, and faith.  Is there any formal, organized religion in which an individual could exercise a spiritual belief that is not part of the institutionalized system?  I think not.  If we look back to religious roots, we see the institutional aspect coming into being as a way to ensure conformity, adherence, and control.  If belief, one's faith, is dictated by rules which demand conformity and adherence in favor of freedom of thought, the freedom to have a personal faith, what are the chances that institutionalized spirituality will be stronger than a personal one that is freely given, with love and understanding, and without fear or trepidation?


    What is your take on your personal faith?  Is it truly yours or are you riding in the back of someone else’s wagon and expecting them to drop you at your preferred destination?  Do you actually believe in anything, have faith in anything, or have you simply thrown in the towel and given up?  Please follow the attached link to read the rest of this post, and feel free to leave constructive comments concerning this post or your own take on “none” when it comes to religious preference:  No Religion?



  • Rev. Catherine Ohrin-Greipp, MSW
    Rev. Catherine Ohrin-Greipp, MSW I really love the writings of Dr. Ernest Holmes, metaphysician, who organized The Science of Mind, during the New thought era, and Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman a mystic and inspiration for Dr. King and President Obama. Both of these people examined and wrote i...  more
    November 26, 2018 - 1 likes this
  • Gary V.
    Gary V. "be a good person!"
    November 27, 2018 - 2 like this