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Tony Villari

Holocaust Remembrance Day  


    With the state of our educational system in the U.S. today, it is a wonder our children learn anything, especially when there are those who would change history for "political correctness."  For instance, an African-American helping to raise the flag at Iwo Jima.  Never happened, but it is politically correct to include this segment of society in the historical moment.  I found it humorous when watching the latest remake of The Sound of Music to see the Mother Superior of the convent was a black woman.  Really?  This story was set in Austria in the late 1930s just prior to the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany.  The premise of the Mother Superior of an Austrian convent being black during this time period would have been more interesting to follow than the novice Maria or the family Von Trapp.  Hell, Hitler would have had an aneurysm.  But I digress.


    To read more of this post, please follow the attached link: Holocaust Remembrance Day




    HOLLY UNFETTERED Short and to the point. very good article. everyone better wake up to the antisemitism happening right now or there will be another holocaust/war. political correctness is dooming us. 
    May 2, 2019 - 1 likes this
  • Gary V.
    Gary V. I wonder why Israel is remembering it now when nationally we remember it January 27 (1945)?
    May 2, 2019
  • Gary V.
    Gary V. Oops, my bad, that was an Amish village in PA...
    May 3, 2019