Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Paul Cattin

Walking in faith

  • We all have had people judge our faith by who we are around. Most of the time these judgements are unfounded by facts. He hangs out with drug addicts, alcoholics and over all sinners. But lets look at the facts Jesus himself hung out with tax collecters,politicians, and sinners and when asked why he did this he said. " it is not the well that need a physician, but the sick."  which is for the most part true, but we also have to concider the well being grand total of the body. We are his arms and we need to reach out to the lost, we are the mouth of God we need to speak the word to the world, we are the hands so we need to come together in prayer, and we are the feet and we need to be walking. The true test of faith is when we are not in the pesen ce of other believers. Its easy to walk when we hang out with other believers, its harder to walk when you are in the world, on the ground of the enemy.  Christ gave the order when he said in the Great Commission GO therefore into all nations making new believers, and baptiZing them in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost. granted it is also our recharge to talk to other believers, but should not make it our only job and priority to encourage the saints in Christ. We also have to walk the faith as well in the world, teaching the gospel to the lost, then to baptize them and encourage them to go and do likewise.  I will walk will you go into battle with me? spread the word around in Christ and his salvaton to the new, lost and looking for fulfillment in the world