Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Reverend Brittany


  • Thanksgiving is coming up, actually this week! Where has the time gone, seems like only yesterday we just had a big supper with our families. Doesn't hurt though to be reminded of what we're really thankful for in our life. We can always be thankful for our families, our homes and so forth. However some of you may feel like well I don't have my husband or wife with me anymore or my child. That can hurt a lot, and it takes time to get used to a "New Normal" in life. Just by you still being here on this earth means a lot to the people around you that love and care for you. You might say to me, well nobody even knows I'm alive what do I have to be thankful for, nobody cares for me anyways. Well, I disagree with you. There is one person who does care for you very much, and His hand is always upon your life and loves you so very much, more than we're ever know! His name is Jesus! One of the many reasons why God brought Jesus to live on this earth is so He could feel all the pain that we feel at times. All we have to do is ask Jesus to come into our heart, and He'll help us all the way through. He'll comfort you, give you His Holy Word, the bible He left us. If you can't find anything to be thankful this year, at least praise and thank God for His son Jesus, which is your helper, your counselor, your high priest, and your king! This is the first thing that we should be thankful for, on Thanksgiving and everyday! If you would like to receive a bible verse to your e-mail each day please write to championofchristchurch@gmail.com. Please visit http://www.championofchristchurch.com for more events coming our way! Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and remember that YOU are a CHAMPION of God!!