Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev.Mike Allen


  • Reading the bible  like story  first it start with Genesis tell us how the lord created all living things  and  we have  the end of the story which is revelation how end time going be .

    Lets start with  Genesis  it tell us  how the lord created the earth and all living thing also man woman  .

    In Revelaton tell how the the end time well come and the end of time

    Would  like tell  the bible is story each chapter tell us  lot things  how we should live and if we folow the way it said in the bibile  but thing  like say only the good lord knows when the time and  date he not going tell us when thats going happen

    take sometime read the bible  go thur the chapter and understand  what theyare saying  once you start reading the bible more  you well understand  it

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