Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Charles Lee, Jr

The Increase Journey

  • There is an eternal dance happening throughout the whole universe.  Cosmic worlds on the micro-levels and the macro-levels spiral their way through time and times becoming strings of vibrations and gases that form everything material, including me...and even, you.  And together, as vibrant light beings, we're still making our way through the cosmic corridors of time and times, acutalizing and increasing what we are, with every second of every experience that we can consciously capture and make sense of.

    No wonder the philosopher Aristotle said, "an unexamined life is a life not worth living".   Examing the wake of time and relationships that lay in our memory of the past doesn't have to be a "guilt-trip".  As a matter of fact, life is actually a "powertrip", as our confidence rises from learning how to navigate through the trecherous waters of life without dashing against the rocks of shame, adversity and temptations to harm others.  No one said life would be easy and I used to wonder "what was God thinking by putting me in this soup?"  Why didn't He tell me  how to stear-clear of the mistakes and errors in judgment that would become my personal skeletons; my cross to bear.  You know the stuff I mean... those not-so-brilliant moments of speaking out of turn, or stpping on others' toes, or misinterpreting someone's action, or misjudging some's motives, etc.; etcetara, etc.

    On any given Sunday, I've done all of those things and I've done some on the world class "embarrassing" level.  And yet, If none of the difficult mistakes had ever happened to me, I think I would consider myself unfortunate.  Yeah, I said "un-fortunate" because I have never felt a greater joy, than the joy of knowing I've been forgiven for things I really thought would be unforgiveable.

    The realization of needing forgiveness has brought me to the conclusion that this spiritual journey we call life, is about increasing our own light; our own brilliance of being, by lifting each other and clearing out the negativity of our skeletons, which block our light by hiding in the darkness of our memories.

    King Solomon had the wisdom to write, "as a man thinks (as in, as a man imagines) in his heart, so shall he be.   Implying that our beliefs about ourselves...  those dead and dark-past secret self-disdains and embarrassments that we carry in our hearts, will become our reality.  If this is true, it would certainly explain in part, why there is so much conflict, violent disagreement and dishonest competition in our world.  When some people think they're lacking in the ability to find opportunities that will gain them the resources necessary for basic survival, so too, will they take the extremest measures as a solution to their not so extreme problem of not enough.

    It has always made me wonder why Jesus told us to love with our hearts, first, and then our minds, and then our souls, and lastly, our strength.  But now I believe it's because it is our hearts that long for love, especially when we think or feel as if we've made an honest error but, knowing the difference between our unintentional acts is also knowing why God forgives us.

    King Solomon also said, "the people perish for lack of knowledge" and there is a cliche' that says, "knowledge is power".  Along the same lines, those who are spiritually inclined value "enlightenment" as the greatest of all knowledge so, perhaps the increase journey is simply a matter of gaining enlightenment.

    Which is, roughly defined, "inner-knowlegde" or, knowledge of self.  The Wisdom of Light within us is The Spirit, striving to know and fathom itself, and our experiences in life, are its opportunities to do so.

    Increasing one's knowledge of their spiritual self and their relationship with other souls, has been called the hallmark of maturity.  Abraham Maslow coined the phrase, "Self-Actualization", when he duduced that there will be some people who will rise above the traumas and adversities they've been dealt with an awareness of their ability to address the trials, troubles and tribulations that will actually stretch and enhance them as an increasing being.

    But of course, there are those of us who are not interested in becoming more spiritually minded, they're just wanting to have more materially which I'm inclined to believe doesn't, in any way, exclude them from the true spiritual increase journey.  It just shows them a little further behind on our collective caravan of light-beings through time and times of Oneness.

    Like us, forgiveness will be inevidable and available.....


    Well Journeys~~~~~~~

