Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Gatlianne - New Thought Metaphysician, Yoga Philosopher & Inspirational Writer

The Great Tree



    The trunk of the great tree is connected

    To its branches that are connected to its leaves

    The trunk connects to the roots

    Who are embedded in the earth

    that drinks the rain that has fallen from the clouds

    Who are highlighted by the sun

    that warmed the wind

    That rustles through the leaves

    attached to the branches

    which hold the nest that houses the bird

    who flies down in the warm wind

    To land on the rain soaked earth

    To pluck from it a worm that has

    Been living in its home in the roots

    Of the great tree


    The tree is connected to everything around it

    Like we are connected to everything around us

    We are shifting


    Moving toward a transformation

    Of self

    That will lead to a transformation

    Of all

    We are open to all there is

    Reaching out with all we are

    Like the branches of the great tree

    And as our connection grows

    Each branch grows

    Nurturing new branches from each bow

    The tree that is Life

    Expands and Evolves

    In never ending possibility

    Our connection spreads

    Our branches flourish

    And the branch that is me

    Touches the branch that is you

    Your branch touches another

    And another until our tree is

    Thick and full

    Warmed by the light of a world of hearts

    Nourished by the falling of a world of tears

    Rooted by the trunk of a world as one

    And like the Great Tree is Connected

    Within itself

    But also connected to the earth and sky

    As we are connected to Our Inner Self

    But also to others and Life



    © M/Gatlianne 2010