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Joseph Wolfe

Religion in a Nut Shell

  • For over a year, I have been so deep in religious beliefs that I actually discovered something so shocking. First I began being apart of the Christian faith, till someone mention that Christians celebrate pagan holidays. How could this be? Why are they telling me this? So I began digging for answers. Fist I went to a few churches, contacted a few people and then went to the library. Months of tiresome research later and I discovered that not only are they celebrating pagan holidays but also uses pagan symbols to symbolize their faith. So I opened up my bible and began to read the Old Testament, over 360 pages into the book of books and I found another belief that I could give a try. Israel, the very first religion that came from Egypt and settled in their own land that they inherited.


    The Hebrew nation then evolved into Judaism, and thus a new movement within the biblical age began. I still was confused about which denomination I belong to, so I dug around some more and discovered that Jesus Christ was dark skinned, so was King Solomon and King David, which means Joseph and Mary was also. Now I am starting to get aggravated. What else has been changed? So as I always do to salve a mystery, I dug some more into life's history dating all the way back before Christ was born.

    As I poked around, absorbing millions of information, I come to find out that Jesus Christ was the name Greeks had created, in the image of the sun god Helios, thus making Sunday the day of worship, in which was the Pagan Worship day dedicated to Helios. Sunday was Christianity's Sabbath. For Judaism though, Saturday would be the real God made Sabbath. I even discovered that Catholics mimic the worshiping of Dagon the pagan fish god, thus explains the oddly shaped hat and the way the pope is dressed! What is going on here? Is there no truths in that in which I was taught growing up?

    Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Jews believe in Yeshua Messiah, two different names hard of any connection, and basically two different men. Plus on top of all that, each denominations believe he was born, August, September, October, November and December, then another month in question would be May. The more I kept digging the more lies I uncover.

    With all that I have found, the New Testament was created for the Christianity population. Thus making the Old Testament for Israel, Hebrew, Judaism. So with the information gained it would seem that the New Testament was not inspired by God, but more along the lines of being inspired by men. With this, not only did they took it upon themselves to write this new faith, they also placed themselves above women, making women their slaves. Women were to submit to their husbands' needs! Does that conclude my research? Nope, matter of fact it actually begins to get worse.

    Just a few days ago, I stumbled across more information that is damaging to the credibility of the Old Testament. Egypt, where it all began, had a similar view of the world as religious people do today. It is almost dead on, and that is just putting it mildly. In today's teachings you have what is called "The 10 Commandments" and in Egypt you have what is called "The Book of the Dead" that has spells and what they consider being "The 42 Commandments". I discovered that 6 or 7 of the 10 Commandments were actually taking straight out of "The Book of the Dead's 42 Commandments". Okay this is where it starts looking bad for the Old Testament. I decided to research Egyptian Religion and I stumbled across an Egyptian god named Atum that along with his Offspring created earth. In today's teachings God created Adam from dirt and Eve from Adam, notice the likeness of Atum and Adam. Before Eve gave Adam the forbidden fruit, he was immortal, a god. Atum is considered a god of creation, in which is also an immortal.

    As soon as I realized that Christianity, Judaism, Israel are made up of adopted beliefs on top of myths, I decided to go my own direction and just preach the fundamentals of life and show them how they too can make a positive change in their life as well, using my life experiences as an example. I will teach Evolution and I will commune with the dead, like I have always done. I am the new age, with a new beginning and a better purpose. Making my ministry, "The Holy Divinity Ministry" more about life without religious teachings. Letting people know that it is their choice if they wish to continue to live in a fantasy world, and they are entitled to their own beliefs. I will show them the importance of Coexisting with each other, bring peace among the nations.

    I know that my change of position was a righteous move, because there for a while, being heavily overwhelmed with religion, my wife for about a year suffered with crippling pains in her stomach and now that I went neutral, and decided to run my ministry the way I wish to run it without any religious outside interruptions, a ministry strictly for life, for those who matter the most that in which is basically everyone. Evolution is my building foundation, the truth that my ministry will be built on, her pains had went away. I feel bad that it took a whole year to finally see the light, but at least we know where we are meant to be, where we belong.

    So please don't attack me for this because only thing I am trying to do is find my place in life. I am neutral, and wish not to be apart of any religion based upon lies. I am your friend until you make me your enemy. COEXIST, that is all that I wish to do now! So I wish you all the very best. Until next time, you can find me on Facebook, facebook.com/pastor.joseph.wolfe and facebook.com/theholydivinityministry, take care.

  • NCO, Father  Carl
    NCO, Father Carl Some facts are true here but a lot ore just myth, We can over research something and then arrive at many conclussions,
    May 27, 2014 - 2 like this
  • Althaea Sebastiani
    Althaea Sebastiani Umm...Dagon isn't a "Pagan fish god" -he is a created god from a FICTITIOUS story created by H.P.Lovecraft. You have, obviously, done a lot of research, but I fear in your search for "connections" that you may not have explored any one topic deep enough t...  more
    May 27, 2014 - 2 like this
  • Joseph Wolfe
    Joseph Wolfe I respect your comments. I have dug a bit, with Dagon, he was a fertility god, that the fish symbol is associated with.

    (Dagon was originally an East Semitic Mesopotamian (Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian) fertility god who evolved into a major Northwest ...  more
    May 27, 2014