Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joseph Wolfe


  • For many years now, I have seen women put themselves in dangerous relationships where the guy beats them, mentally abuses them, even controls everything that they can possibly do. I see them leave, only to return back to the same position. I have seen where other people ask just why it is that makes them crawl back into the abusive relationship, and it is with this, that 9 times out of 10, it is the fear of being alone. They believe that they will never find anyone that will want to be with them, they let their abuser convince them that they have no choice but to stay with them. Then there is money, that keeps some women with the abuser.

    In every abusive situation, it is always the same reason. Men treat their women this way and they always use the bible to justify their actions against the women. They feel that they are above all women and it is the women who should do as their husband or boyfriend tells them or else they will get punished for disobeying!

    To me being a man, I must say that only cowards beat on women, and my advice for the women, you do not have to stay in a situation, where your life is being placed on the line, you do have a choice, you do have the power to take control of your life and remove yourselves out of that situation! You are smart, beautiful, you are more powerful than any man! Let your voices be heard, put the fear into your abuser, or just simply file charges and be done with him! You are in control of your own life!

    Take a good look in the mirror and scream as loud as you can, "I AM WOMAN, HERE ME ROAR!!" You hold all the cards, for only you can bear children! Man is helpless without you to keep them satisfied! You tell them enough is enough, or at least get help, but no matter what, stop letting this abuse continue. Man is not above you regardless of what you have been told.

  • Jennifer Reed
    Jennifer Reed Father Carl, I totally understand the fristration with what Gary is doing. I have seent he same thing. If you do not want to be in the conversation about that topic and you want to talk about something else, then make your own blog about this. Then other ...  more
    June 9, 2014 - 2 like this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel lol, they do it because they can!. My ex was a jerk and mental issues. I stayed because I didn't think I could raise 3 kids alone. The fact that the man couldn't keep a job, I figured it wouldn't matter anyway's. Then one day, I didn't care anymore. I fig...  more
    August 5, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel "because I never thought you would leave me." And my answer was " well, guess what, you were wrong!". So I have come to conclusion that the reason why jerks continue to act like jerks is because we allow them to. You can't change them, but you can change ...  more
    August 5, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • NCO, Father  Carl
    NCO, Father Carl Wow!
    August 5, 2014 - 1 likes this